The Sixth Element Difference – Fostering Well Rounded Children Curious Confident with Values

In today’s evolving world, equipping our children with more than just academics is essential. They must be curious, confident, and values-led, well-rounded individuals, conscious of sustainability. This is where the Sixth Element comes in… What is the Sixth Element? The Sixth Element was a phrase coined by the school to illustrate – igniting the joy of learning – so crucial …

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Chatting with Your Little One: Big Benefit for Their Brain!

Did you know dear parent, that simply talking to your child is a superpower for their brain development? Science backs it up! Studies by MIT researchers show that back-and-forth conversation actually changes a child’s brain Source: It’s not just about pushing words towards them; it’s about a two-way street that builds strong language, thinking, and social skills – which …

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Gurgaon Summers – Beat the Heat with Fun Learning

Hi dear parents! as we leave winter behind, lets create a summer filled with cool, engaging activities that keep your little ones cool, become sharper and have a blast. Here are some ideas to inspire your summer fun learning plan: Splashing Science: Creative Cool Down: Story Time Under the Sun (with a Twist!): Remember, safety is key! Make sure activities …

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Future is Bright – Why Choosing a Cambridge International School Matters!

THE SIXTH ELEMENT SCHOOL Imagine your child, a global citizen, confidently navigating diverse cultures, solving problems with a team from across the world, and embracing the interconnectedness of our planet. That’s the future we dream of for our children in Gurugram, a city that’s a microcosm of India’s vibrant global identity & bright future. Equipping them with the right tools …

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Bye – Bye Bottle, Hello Big Kid Cub! A Guide for Weaning Your Little Ones

Hey there, new parents! Your little bundle of joy is growing fast, and with that comes exciting milestones like ditching the bottle and embracing the world of cups. Breast feeding is always good for your child – and yes bottle does supplement. But let’s be honest, the weaning – transition can feel messy, confusing, and maybe a little emotional. Fear …

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New Education Policy (NEP): Top 10 Implications for Parents in Gurugram (Nursery & Primary Schooling)

As young parents in Gurugram, navigating the education landscape can feel overwhelming. Throw in the New Education Policy (NEP) 2020, and things might seem even more complex. But worry not! Here’s a breakdown of the top 10 practical implications of the NEP for nursery and primary school education, helping you make informed choices for your child’s future: 1. Play-based learning …

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Protecting & Strengthening Our Young Ones – A Parent’s Guide to Finding the Balance

Raising children in an evolving bustling city like Gurugram can feel like a constant tightrope walk. We want to shield our little ones from harm, yet also nurture their abilities and strengthen them to build their resilience. So it’s always a delicate dance between protection, strengthening and catalysing development, and finding the right balance is crucial. Trickier in nuclear family …

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Beyond Caring: Transformative Power of Talking and Engaging with Your Babies & School Children

Introduction Gurgaon, a city known for its pace and demanding lifestyle, is home to many busy parents who work tirelessly to provide the very best for their families. It’s easy to fall into the trap of just “caring” for your children’s safety & needs – and many daycare centres just do that in enclosed spaces or some engage a nanny …

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