Beyond Academics: Nurturing Well-Rounded Children – Curious, Confident and with Values
We often find ourselves caught in the whirlwind of academics, emphasizing marks and grades as the ultimate measure of a child’s success. While academic excellence is undoubtedly important, it’s equally crucial to recognize that our children are not just future engineers or doctors. They are individuals with unique personalities, talents, and aspirations. Why is holistic […]
Future is Bright – Why Choosing a Cambridge International School Matters!
THE SIXTH ELEMENT SCHOOL Imagine your child, a global citizen, confidently navigating diverse cultures, solving problems with a team from across the world, and embracing the interconnectedness of our planet. That’s the future we dream of for our children in Gurugram, a city that’s a microcosm of India’s vibrant global identity & bright future. Equipping […]
New Education Policy (NEP): Top 10 Implications for Parents in Gurugram (Nursery & Primary Schooling)
As young parents in Gurugram, navigating the education landscape can feel overwhelming. Throw in the New Education Policy (NEP) 2020, and things might seem even more complex. But worry not! Here’s a breakdown of the top 10 practical implications of the NEP for nursery and primary school education, helping you make informed choices for your […]
Nurturing Little Minds of Our Bright Young Ones: Why the First 6 Years Shape Your Child’s Future!
Namaste, Gurgaon parents! Have you ever looked into your child’s curious eyes and seen the limitless potential within? Those sparkling moments aren’t just adorable glimpses, they’re building blocks for a fulfilling future! The first six years aren’t just about giggles and milestones, they’re the foundation for your child’s lifelong success! Here’s why this period holds […]
Protecting & Strengthening Our Young Ones – A Parent’s Guide to Finding the Balance
Raising children in an evolving bustling city like Gurugram can feel like a constant tightrope walk. We want to shield our little ones from harm, yet also nurture their abilities and strengthen them to build their resilience. So it’s always a delicate dance between protection, strengthening and catalysing development, and finding the right balance is […]