Protecting & Strengthening Our Young Ones – A Parent’s Guide to Finding the Balance

Raising children in an evolving bustling city like Gurugram can feel like a constant tightrope walk. We want to shield our little ones from harm, yet also nurture their abilities and strengthen them to build their resilience. So it’s always a delicate dance between protection, strengthening and catalysing development, and finding the right balance is […]

Strengthening Children Is as Important as Protecting & Taking Care

Introduction: In the bustling city of Gurgaon, where the pace of life is fast and aspirations run high, parenting comes with its own set of challenges. As parents, our primary instinct is often to protect and take care of our children, ensuring their physical well-being and providing for their material needs. However, it is equally […]

Why Sending Child in a Bus to a Distant School is Avoidable for Primary Grade Children

Introduction As parents, we often grapple with important decisions regarding our children’s education and well-being. One such decision is the choice of the right school for our little ones. In a city like Gurugram, where schools are aplenty, parents often consider sending their primary grade children to schools located at a distance from their homes. […]

Sports – Career Option Can be Considered in India Now

Introduction In a country where academics have long been the primary focus of career aspirations, the idea of pursuing a career in sports is gradually gaining recognition and acceptance. India has a rich sporting & fitness-yoga heritage, and with the increasing success & visibility of our sports men & women on fancy highly rewarding IPL […]

Advantages of Learning Multiple Languages for Kids

ADVANTAGES OF LEARNING MULTIPLE LANGUAGES, INCLUDING MOTHER TONGUE AT SCHOOL – BENEFITS THAT SCIENCE & RESEARCH REVEAL   Introduction: In the bustling city of Gurugram, where diversity and multiculturalism thrive, it’s not uncommon to hear children conversing in multiple languages. With globalization and increasing cultural exchange, parents in Gurugram are increasingly recognizing the importance of […]

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