Native to South America, the Red-crested Cardinal distinguishes itself with its bright plumage. Among cardinals, the males are typically the brighter ones. Cardinals represent grace, family, and love in many cultures. Fun fact: Red-crested Cardinals are known for their vibrant plumage and cultural symbolism.

The Peacock, the national bird of India, boasts its beautiful plumage, which exists exclusively on males. Surprisingly, they can fly despite their elaborate feathers and can live up to an impressive 50 years in captivity. A group of peafowl is called a ‘party.’ Fun fact: Peacocks are known for their extravagant plumage displays and social gatherings called ‘parties.’

The Golden Eagle, one of North America’s largest, fastest, and most nimble raptors, possesses lustrous gold feathers on the back of its head and neck. It boasts a powerful beak and talons, showcasing its hunting prowess. The Golden Eagle primarily preys on rabbits, hares, rodents, and occasionally other mammals, birds, and reptiles. Fun fact: Golden Eagles are renowned for their impressive hunting skills and formidable talons.

Swifts are among the fastest of birds in level flight, known for their remarkable migratory journeys. In a single year, the common swift can cover at least 200,000 km, equivalent to flying to the Moon and back five times over in a lifetime. Fun fact: Swifts are celebrated for their astonishing long-distance flights and migratory feats.

Found in India, these birds are richly colored, predominantly green, with a narrow blue patch on the face, a black eye stripe, and a yellow and brown throat. Their tail is blue, and their beak is black. Both sexes look alike. Blue-tailed Bee-eaters are usually found near water and specialize in catching flying insects, especially bees. Fun fact: Blue-tailed Bee-eaters are known for their vibrant plumage and their skill in catching bees.

A true-blue Indian bird, the Coppersmith Barbet displays green, black, and brown plumage, with tiny patches of red and yellow around its head and neck. These birds are often solitary players, featuring a straight flight with rapid flaps. They feed on fruit and insects, making them omnivores. Fun fact: Coppersmith Barbets are known for their distinctive calls and vibrant plumage.

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