The Big Debate: CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL V/S IB for Your Bright Spark in India

Hey there, super-parents! Choosing the right curriculum for your child’s future can feel like a high-stakes game. Two popular internationally renowned options in India – Cambridge International and IB (International Baccalaureate) – have both shiny reputations. But which suits your little bright spark? Let’s try to break it down in a way that’s easy to understand! Championing Cambridge: Structured, Diversified, …

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Chatting with Your Little One: Big Benefit for Their Brain!

Did you know dear parent, that simply talking to your child is a superpower for their brain development? Science backs it up! Studies by MIT researchers show that back-and-forth conversation actually changes a child’s brain Source: It’s not just about pushing words towards them; it’s about a two-way street that builds strong language, thinking, and social skills – which …

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